Integrity and Fairness
Instanex’s top management has maintained a professional approach since its inception, and at earlier employers. A common theme among its leadership is the ephasis on integrity and fair play.

Exceptional Client Service
We aim to understand our client's objectives and thought process so that we can provide truly exceptional service. Our job is to use our expertise and long experience in determining what is in our client's best interest and to guide our client in that direction, even at the cost of short-term profits.

Alignment of Interests
We undertake assignments that allow us to align our interests with those of the client, and structure compensation accordingly.

Operational Excellence
We measure performance with a detailed scorecard and judge our service quality against the best competitors in each field. We strive to meet or exceed their performance, depending on our experience in each area.

We believe that teams produce better results than individual effort. Our customers benefit from the synergies generated by the range of expertise of team members through a systematic sharing of insights and knowledge.

We think like owners, not service providers. So winning, while working as per our principles, is the only objective.